"Study nature, Love nature, Stay close to nature. It will never fail you." -- Frank Lloyd Wright

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Long Time

Man, it feels like I haven't been on here forever. Only a few more days of school left and I'm home free! Yay! I was going to graduate early next year, but I got a phone call from my councelor today and this class I want to take, School of Rock, which teaches you how to write songs, is only offered the second semester. So, it's definitely a deal breaker for me, so looks like I won't be graduating early after all. I'm actually soo relieved though. I've had a really hard course load and I've struggled all 3 years of high school and my Senior year I won't have to srugle at all, and I can't put into words how happy that makes me.  Me and my mommy are going to see Julie friday on out way home from occupational therapy to fix my senior schedule all up. I got everything all picked out, it's going to be a seriously fun year. I'm taking Biology 2, lots of stuff to disect! Advanced Health, School of Rock, Music Theory one and two, Pottery one and two, Clothing & textiles one and two, Jewlry one and two, and then I'm going to be TA, basically a gopher for whatever teacger I want to gopher for, maybe an office runner thingy, or early dismissal, and I'm definitely going to get a job this summer. I'm so tired, I want to blog more often than I have been, but once school is over that will be soo much easier to do. Peace Out.

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