"Study nature, Love nature, Stay close to nature. It will never fail you." -- Frank Lloyd Wright

Thursday, July 26, 2012

No Turning Back

I have decided to be healthy! If I leave it up to my body to feel good and stay healthy, at this point, I don't think that would ever happen. So, instead of relying on good health, as in my actual health, not fitness health, to feel good I am finlly taking the reigns and doig it myself. I may never be at a point where I feel good or fine all the time, and I have come to terms with that. But, through out all of my illness I have never let it get the best of me, I've recently been thinking about it a lot, and I said to myself, if I didn't let the worst of it get the best of me, then why am I letting these little obstacles get in my way? I am starting my new journey in college a month from tomorrow, and I want a new body to go with it (wouldn't that be nice, huh?) I can't really get THAT, but, I can improve as much as possible on my current model. I have never really had a problem with overeating or watching what I eat, just the part of moving around and excercising. I have been walking, more like power walking, not quite jogging, on the treadmill everyday this week. I have a sheet that I can keep track of my speed and distance, as well as the amount of calories I burn and the incline I walk on. I have done awesome so far, and I know I can keep it up! I am up to walking a mile anda half, increasing a little bit each day. I feel so good! I haven't been able to say that in SO long! I am so excited to keep going and keep fighting. I will never never ever ever let my body's unwillingness to be healthy effect ME being healthy and living my life as best I can with the circumstances I'm living with!

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