"Study nature, Love nature, Stay close to nature. It will never fail you." -- Frank Lloyd Wright

Monday, July 30, 2012

Freedom and Relief

Ahh, I am quite relaxed these days. I have finally gotten rid of certain people in my life that were dragging me down to their level of unhappines. I am such a happy person in general, I hardly ever get down in the dumps. For the past eight months I have felt nothing but longing for something better, something good. Stuck in a rut of not knowing how to just get out of what I was in. I feel like all of a sudden I have my life back. I have so much freedom to just do as I please, worry about me for a change and not what someone else wants or needs. No more listening to the whining of an imature adult that cannot seem to figure out how to deal with life in a normal fashion. I can focus on the things that I need, and it sure feels great! I have less than a month left to enjoy not having things to do or worry about. My last month to be carefree and young and wild and free, and I am SO relieved to be able to live it up the way I need to and want to, without being worried about how someone else feels about my actions. Yes, I know, it sounds  little selfish, but, after eight months of nothing but another beings selfish thoughs and actions, I definitely deserve a little time and space to think and worry about me. Oh, how I am loving life right now. I just cannot get over how happy I am.

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