"Study nature, Love nature, Stay close to nature. It will never fail you." -- Frank Lloyd Wright

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Save Me

I wrote this poem when everything with my health was starting, and I didn't really know what else to do. I remember debating if I was actually going to read it in front of my creative writing class, I don't like being in front of people, but I decided at the last minute to pu tmy name on the board to read my poem at our like, poetry slam thing. When I was done reading it, I got apluse and stuff, and I heard someone say "that was deep", I took it as a good thing, LOL. This poem is when I really started to write about my own personal experiences.

Puzzle pieces scatteredon the floor
Just waiting to be something more
Struggling to find the perfect fit
But everything just seems to miss

I sit here alone and cold
Just wanting help with this disaster
I wanna scream, I wanna shout
All I wanna do is let it all out

Frustration sets in; nothing takes this pain away
Giving up is all that's on my mind
Maybe it would be easier if I surrender to the pain
It'll just consume me more and more each day
Till all that's left are only memories of the spirit I used to be

I know life isn't a fairytale
Nothing ever goes the way you wanted
I wish I had a genie in a bottle, a magic lamp, a prince to come on his whie stalion and save me
I wish I had a flying carpet to save me
Take me to a kingdom far far away
And live happily ever after
I want a fairytale, I want my fairytale
I just want a happy ending to this never ending misery

So, I cry
I cry for pain
I cry for longing
I cry for hoping
I cry for loss

I cry for the friends that come and go
I cry for the love that never was
I cry because this is how I let it show
This, this is how I let you know

If I'm not dead than this must only make me stronger
If I'm not broken then I must be unbreakable
When I cry I know there's still something left of me
And over time these tears will disapear

Stains on my cheeks will fade away
Someday I wil lbe whole again
The pieces to my puzzle will be put back together
I'll be a masterpiece for you to marvel at

Someday I'll cry for joy
I'll cry for happienes and painless nights
I'll cry for all the wrong made right
Because soemday I'll win my fight

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