"Study nature, Love nature, Stay close to nature. It will never fail you." -- Frank Lloyd Wright

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Ghost of Me

When I look in the mirrow
All I see is the ghost of me
All the things that made me, me
No longer will they be
Cause it's like I'm leaving
And I don't know who I'll end up being
This feeling is burning underneath my skin
Lingering like something I can't see
I'm afraid I'll wake up
And all I'll be is a ghost of me
My mind is so confused
Because no of this has a reason
Like a fire burning wild
It's chasing me as I'm dreaming
No chance to believe in reality
I wake and all I see is a ghost of me
My life has become so frightening to me
Sometimes I feel like I can't breathe
When I look over my shoulder
All I see is a ghost of me
It haunts me everyday
Waiting for me to change
Wnting my eot fail
When I close my eyes I fear
That's all I'm going to be
It wants to take all of me
And leave nothing left to see
It wants everything I could be
Everything I should be
Evertything I would be
It wants to steal my soul
So that I will be
Nothing but a ghost of me

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