"Study nature, Love nature, Stay close to nature. It will never fail you." -- Frank Lloyd Wright

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Ghost of Me

When I look in the mirrow
All I see is the ghost of me
All the things that made me, me
No longer will they be
Cause it's like I'm leaving
And I don't know who I'll end up being
This feeling is burning underneath my skin
Lingering like something I can't see
I'm afraid I'll wake up
And all I'll be is a ghost of me
My mind is so confused
Because no of this has a reason
Like a fire burning wild
It's chasing me as I'm dreaming
No chance to believe in reality
I wake and all I see is a ghost of me
My life has become so frightening to me
Sometimes I feel like I can't breathe
When I look over my shoulder
All I see is a ghost of me
It haunts me everyday
Waiting for me to change
Wnting my eot fail
When I close my eyes I fear
That's all I'm going to be
It wants to take all of me
And leave nothing left to see
It wants everything I could be
Everything I should be
Evertything I would be
It wants to steal my soul
So that I will be
Nothing but a ghost of me

My Life

Well, I haven't posted in forever, and after this week it'll probably be a while till I post again too. My 18th birthday is in 6 days, and there's just soo much going on. I'm making cupcakes to take to therapy & get my shirt on the 5th. I'm going to the Shedd Aquarium and Little Italy restaraunt on my actualy birthday, the 6th. I'm baking my birthday cake on the 7th, I'll post a picture of it, but it's going to be soo cute! I'm going to pick up two of my bestest friends on the 8th and they'll be spending the night. It's cake time on the 9th! with my family and friends, and then finaly on the 10th, I'm going to be gone at VBS set up at my old church in Lansing, IL for most of the day. I'll be home the week after, but the rest of the week I'll be at VBS helping with the little pre-schoolers! I'm SO excited! and once I'm home, it's Taylor Swift Concert time, in the 4th row with my Uncle Dan!! and then MORE concerts with my dad when I get back from Taylor! I think this summer is definitely going to make up for last summer, totaly. I'm just so happy that I can do all this stuff without being in pain, or worrying that something will start hurting. For so long I felt like I couldn't do the things I loved, well, I really coudln't, and now it's like my life has been given back to be, and when I look at the big picture I think it's been returned to me in an even better state than when I lost it.